Workout Of The Day

March 10, 2025


8 Minutes

:30 seconds Jump Rope

5 Half Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Press (each)

10 Walking Lunge Steps

1 Zombie Rope Climb (Or 8 Ring Rows)


Freedom (RX’d)


Double Unders


Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press @ 50/35#


Rope Climbs (Or 15-12-9-6-3 Strict Pull Ups)


Independence (Scaled/Masters)


Single Unders


Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press @ 35/25#


Rope Climbs (Or 12-10-8-6-4 Strict Pull Ups)


Compete (Open Prep)


Double Unders


Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press @ 50/35#


Rope Climbs

Time Cap - 18 minutes

Target - 12-14 minutes

**INTENTION - This workout is a descending ladder chipper that combines high-rep jump rope, moderate-weight push presses, and a decreasing volume of rope climbs. The goal is to keep moving efficiently, managing shoulder fatigue while maintaining control on the rope climbs. It’s grippy and upper-body dominant. Athletes must keep breathing under control and avoid redlining in the first three rounds. Shoulders and grip will be fatigued. Push through with efficient technique rather than brute force.

March 11, 2025


2 sets

10 Banded Pass Throughs

5 Hamstring fold to squat


8 Minutes

3 Power Snatch

3 Pause Front Squats

10 Deadbugs

4 Squat Thrusts

8 Box Step Ups


Pause Front Squat
- Build to heavy 2 in 10 minutes *pause for :2s in bottom


Freedom (RX’d)

2 Rounds

15 Power Snatch @ 95/65#

15 Bar Facing Burpees


2 Rounds

12 Overhead Squats @ 95/65#

12 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20"


2 Rounds

10 Squat Snatch @ 95/65#

10 Burpee Box Get Overs @ 30/24"


Independence (Scaled/Masters)

2 Rounds

12 Power Snatch @ 75/55#

12 Bar Facing Burpees


2 Rounds

10 Overhead Squats @ 75/55#

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 20/16"


2 Rounds

8 Squat Snatch @ 75/55#

8 Burpee Box Get Overs @ 24/20"

Time Cap - 17 minutes (overall)

**INTENTION - This workout is a progressively more demanding trio of couplets with increasing complexity and a high level of fatigue accumulation. The barbell movements start with higher reps and simpler movements (power snatch, OHS) but transition into more technical and demanding lifts (squat snatch under fatigue). The burpee variations also get harder, adding both height and complexity. Each section is meant to be completed within 6 minutes, so pacing should allow for steady movement while managing fatigue. This is a classic escalating skill/muscle endurance workout. Athletes need to stay calm and efficient early to grind through the technical work at the end. During the rest, we focus on controlling the heart rate and breathing.

March 12, 2025


8 Minutes

15 Glute Bridges

10 Banded Good Mornings

6 Box Step Ups (building)

10 V-Ups
Jump Rope Practice

Level 1 - Single Unders

Level 2 - Double Unders

Level 3 - Crossover Singles

Level 4 - Crossover Doubles

EMOM 5 - :30s on/:30s off

Freedom (RX'd)


4-8-12-16-20. . .

Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups @ 50/35# 24/20"

10 GHDs (Or Stick Sit Ups)


Independence (Scaled/Masters)


4-8-12-16-20. . .

Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups @ 35/25# 20/16"

8 GHDs + 6in Riser (Or Stick Sit Ups)


Compete (Open Prep)

6-12-18-24-30. . .

Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups @ 50/35# 24/20"

12 GHDs (Or Stick Sit Ups)

**INTENTION - This is a gritty, leg-and-core burner, so play the long game early to ensure you can stay moving deep into the AMRAP! The lower body demand is high, with step ups building volume and GHDs taxing the midline. Expect fatigue to accumulate quickly in the legs and core, making pacing critical. Smooth & controlled; don’t rush through the step-ups. Keep transitions efficient and use the first 2-3 rounds to establish a sustainable, steady breathing pattern and pace.

March 13, 2025


2 sets:

1:00 Row

1:00 Ski (or Squat Thrusts)

1:00 Air Bike

5 Shoulder Press (empty bar)


Dead Stop Strict Press
Heavy 2 rep in 10 minutes

*Pause at the bottom of each rep, while maintaining tension, before pressing.

Freedom (RX'd)

2 sets (Begin set 2 at 12:00)


Calorie Row

Calorie Ski (or Burpees)

Calorie Air Bike*Female Calories: 16-12-8. Does not apply to the burpees.


Independence (Scaled/Masters)

2 sets (Every 12:00)


Calorie Row

Calorie Ski Erg

Calorie Air Bike*Female Calories: 13-10-7

**INTENTION - This workout is a mod-high-output push pace effort, performed twice with a 12:00 window per set. The goal is to push intensity while maintaining control across all three machines. Expect a high heart rate, heavy breathing, and muscular fatigue in the legs and lungs by the end of each set. This is a full-body engine test, so keep composure early and push hard in the back half of each set! Athletes’ legs and lungs will still be recovering when the second set starts. Expect set 2 to feel significantly harder, so aim for consistent pacing across both efforts rather than blowing up in set 1.

March 14, 2025

200m Jog


2 sets:

10 Banded Pass Throughs

10 Hamstring fold to squats


2 sets: (empty bar)

3 Snatch Push Press

3 Overhead Squats

3 Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance
Build to heavy in 10 mins
Freedom (RX"d)

5 Rounds

300m Run (or 15 Shuttle Runs)

8 Hang Squat Cleans @ 155/105#

4 Wall Walks*Each shuttle run rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back


Independence (Scaled/Masters)

5 Rounds

300m Run

8 Hang Squat Cleans @ 135/95#

3 Wall Walks


Compete (Open Prep)
5 Rounds

400m Run

10 Hang Squat Cleans @ 155/105#

5 Wall Walks

Time Cap - 20 minutes

Target - 15 minutes

**INTENTION - This workout combines endurance and muscular stamina, strongly emphasizing shoulder, core, and grip fatigue. The running component should serve as an active recovery-push pace-into-recovery, while the hang squat clean/wall walk will be the area athletes should aim to attack. Let’s aim for 1 round every 3:00 or less. Athletes should push a steady aerobic threshold without spiking too high early. Hang squat cleans/wall walks will feel progressively more taxing on the legs, shoulders, midline, and posterior chain. By Round 4-5, expect pumped-up quads, burning shoulders, fatigued lungs, and the need for mental grit to keep moving efficiently.

March 15, 2025



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